My boss wanted me to note that this Lord of the Rings trivia was going to focus on the Peter Jackson trilogy of films but all I heard was focus on Peter Jackson so enjoy his cameo from Fellowship of the Rings!
If you're in need of a fellowship come out and join us this month at @tonycs.beergarden's Anderson Lane & Palm Valley locations for five rounds of LOTR Trivia.
Registration is open from 6-7, and trivia runs from 7-9.
Quiz details:
- Free to play
- 1-6 players per team
- Costumes welcome
- Questions centered around the Peter Jackson film trilogy
- Contactless mobile scoring so be sure one teammate has a fully charged phone
- Prizes!
Venue details:
- All ages
- All seating is indoors
- Seating is first come first served, come early to snag a table close to the trivia action
- Subject to venue capacity
- Fantastic food available from in-house kitchen
-Last call at 8:45pm